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Rodeo Club

The first St Brendan’s College (SBC) Rodeo was held in 1978 and has continued to grow to become one of the most significant iconic events on the Capricorn Coast.  St Brendan's is the only school in the nation that houses its own rodeo arena onsite!  New chutes were installed in 2022 so that the College can continue to offer this unique opportunity to our students.

Rodeo Club Fees:

  • After acceptance to the Rodeo Club, students will be charged a nominal fee per rodeo event they attend.
    (charged to your school account) to cover stock, protection athletes, insurance costs (on-site), and buses (offsite).
  • There is an annual fee to join the Rodeo Club of $50 which will be added to your College Fee Account in Term 2 (or relevant Term if your son joins later in the year).

Rodeo Practice Days:

  • We will be running practice days at the college throughout the year which will be published to parents once confirmed. Dates will be dependent on when suitable stock and rodeo protection athletes are available.
  • There will be a cost of $30 per practice day for your son to participate.  This cost will be added to your College Account.
  • Parents are welcome to help on practice days.  Please register your interest with Ms Dee-Ann Emblem.

Rodeo School

  • Students will not be permitted to ride until they have completed at least one (1) rodeo school.
  • If your son has not participated in a rodeo school, we will source a location for him to be able to do this. The cost of the school will generally cost between $60 to $90 and is payable prior to the event. Rodeo schools will be offered to students as required.

Rodeo Gear:

  • Rodeo protection equipment must be worn by rodeo club members.
  • Students are required to supply their own rodeo gear for practice days and rodeo events. We do not provide any equipment or riding gear to students.
  • If your son requires a rodeo team shirt he will have the option to purchase or hire a shirt. The shirts cost $70.
  • The Rodeo Club shirt must be worn at all rodeo events including practice days.

  • Students not wearing the correct attire will not be permitted to travel on the school bus or participate in any events under any circumstances (unless prior approval had been given by Mr Oram or Ms Emblem).

Association Nomination Fees:

  • It is the student’s responsibility to submit nomination fees together with payment before any rodeo events.
  • “Release and Waiver of Liability Agreements” may need to be submitted BEFORE bull riding is permitted.

Annual SBC Rodeo

  • Held on Father’s Day weekend of each year, attracting over 300 competitors from around the nation, the St Brendan’s College (SBC) Rodeo is the only school-based rodeo in Australia. The event supported by 5,500 spectators in 2023 is a feature event on the Australian Professional Rodeo Association’s (APRA) calendar. 

  • The SBC Rodeo is an Australian Professional Rodeo Association (APRA) affiliated event and full or day membership with APRA is required.
  • The College runs a school boy rodeo in the morning followed by a full rodeo program from lunchtime to 10 pm.
  • APRA has introduced new day membership procedures in 2023. Please refer to their website for more details APRA | Site Home ( ENTRIES WILL ONLY BE TAKEN ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY the week prior to the rodeo. This procedure is in accordance with APRA By-Laws and Competition Rules 21.8.  There will be no late entries for Day Members.
  • We welcome parents to volunteer their time at this event
  • All students wishing to participate must have a signed registration form submitted to the Rodeo Club Coordinator prior to participation.

For more information and to return membership forms, please contact student reception.

Download Membership Form

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